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Sunday 18 October 2015

Photo Shoot:Red Nymph with crazyXpose

Over our conversation on FaceBook, we've decided on coming out with a look that's basically red. crazyXpose really wanted to bring out the red as it contrasts beautifully with green. I was very excited with this shoot and had no idea what to expect. His dark and mysterious style seemed so different from mine, but it worked out so well in the end and I'm so happy with this shoot!

Part II

During the shoot, I was asked to imagine that I used to be green but I felt my homeland for some reason. And when I got home, I was different and everything was gone... That's the dark story behind this shoot. At the end of the shoot, Ru got to join me for a few shots on a excavator and it seemed like I found the one in charge of destroying the greens.

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