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Showing posts with label K-Pop. Show all posts

Thursday 10 April 2014

Angel's 10 Mistaken Fors


From time to time, I get questions from random people who don't really know me asking me questions if I'm.... These are some of the things that I'm commonly mistaken for. Have a laugh and enjoy!


I've never been to a club in my life ( I'm 19 now ). I need my sleep, I love my sleep, I live because of my sleep! I don't even spend time doing things at night, so I don't think I'll be able to party the night away. I think that people think I go clubbing is because of the way I look ( like some Taiwanese Gyaru-ish girls ). I'm sure it's not the way I dress. I ain't "sexy".


It's Gyaru, not Cosplay. It breaks my heart to hear random strangers walk pass by and say: "Oh, Cosplay! " It's happened a few times before. Maybe it's the bottom lashes? Here's a fun fact: Cosplayers wear bottom lashes too, but they're not Gyaru. Some Taiwanese girls wear bottom lashes, but they're not Gyaru. If you see some K-Pop artists or Ulzzangs wear bottom lashes, it still doesn't make them Gyaru. If it's not the bottom lashes, then I don't know what it is.


Haters are everywhere. There's even once this girl from school who sent me a message on FaceBook saying " Bling, are you a hooker? XXXX told me so". I couldn't trace who she was because she deactivated her account. So no, I'm not. I've never slept with anyone before and I'm a faithful person. I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend, ever. So middle fingers to you if you thought I was a slut.


Makeup Artist / Student
I'm not a makeup artist. I love makeup and changing myself with makeup but I'm not a professional. I do help out people to do their makeup but it's either simple makeup, Cosplay makeup or friends coming over and I scribble on their faces. My grandpa's a makeup artist though. I'm self-taught and I don't plan on signing up for any beauty corses any time soon.


Design Student
When I was in high school, everyone thought I was going to end up studying design or taking up something artistic, including myself. After I graduated, I helped my mom out at her kindergarten for a year then I decided to take my Diploma in Early Childhood Education. So there you go, I'm a teacher and at the same time, I'm learning how to teach too!


Judging a book by it's cover, I don't look local when I'm all dressed up in what I think is pretty ( mostly Gyaru ). Once I was in a mall signing up for a Pals Card with Aaron ( an old friend of mine ), the lady who signed us up asked if we were local. Aaron is Chinese and he looks like one, but he speaks American English. With me standing next to him, it made us seem less local that time.


Thai / Malay / Indonesian
Once again, it's the way I look. I don't know. Bone structure? Skin Tone? The way I do my eyes? Eyelids? There are so many reasons that I could think of. I even have people coming up to me and ask me that question before. Both my parents are Chinese, but my grandpa's mom is half Thai which makes me 5% Thai ( the most ). I guess it's a plus for me since I like being different.


When they find out I'm Chinese, they think I'm Christian because of the name Angel. It's a name I gave myself ( Can't recall why ) since secondary school and it has grown on me. I have the name Angel Bling on my FaceBook profile as well. I can't change it even if I wanted to, FaceBook won't let me. Back to the point, I'm Buddhist, not Christian.


K-Pop Styled / Ulzzang
The worst of worst. I am Japanese style, be it Gyaru or Harajuku. It upsets me so much when someone says I look Korean or I look like whoever K-Pop artist. ( I'd rather be Malay, Indonesian, Thai or a lady-boy ) To me, it feels insulting, very very very insulting. So if you're reading this and you used to think my style was Ulzzang, stop. It's Gyaru.


So there you go. The top 10 most mistaken fors in my life so far and now I guess you know me a bit more. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoyed this post. See you next time!


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