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Showing posts with label Z'ROX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Z'ROX. Show all posts

Saturday 20 September 2014

Angel's Death Touch



Either I joined something, started to like something, talked about something, I end up killing it. It's not the first time so I made a list.


Micheal Jackson

One time in high school, I suddenly started asking my friend about Micheal Jackson. I've never paid attention to him or his music before so I asked. Well, my friend didn't tell me much about him because she didn't know a lot about him either and that's where the story ends.

The next day, Micheal Jackson was dead. Like what?


Visit to Japan

This incident happened in high school too, in 2011. There was an opportunity for all the students to audition to go to Japan to perform. It was traditional Malaysian dances and I'm into Japan culture so why not?

After a few weeks of practising, there it finally was: audition day. On that same day, that earthquake hit Japan. And of course, the whole thing was called off and that's that.

Z'ROX Cheerleading

I suck at sports. I suck at all kinds of sports. I tend to stay away from it. Especially any game or sport that involves balls. Long story short, I mangaed to find the one and only sport I was really into and was getting better at, cheerleading.

Z'ROX was the team that I joined. It was my school's ex-cheer team. Cheerleading was banned from my school beacuse there were complains from teachers saying that it's too dangerous and too sexy. I joined anyways and we managed to come in 3rd in a cheer competition. It was so awesome, I cried.

 Months later, our coach/manager/founder/heart of the team had to stop for her studies. Well, the whole team died. The End.


Gyaru Magazines

I've been into Gyaru for quite some time now. I got to know some gals in Malaysia and even joined Gaijin Gyaru groups on FaceBook. Sometime after that, Gyaru magazines in Japan started dying off. Ageha, Ranzuki, Egg, oh the pain. Popteen is still around, but a lot of gals say it's "not Gyaru" but I don't care. I started Gyaru because of Popteen, and I'm gonna stick with it. Which brings us to the next thing I sorta killed.



If you're Malaysian and you buy Popteen here, you'll get the Chinese version instead of Japanese. It's different from the Japanese version because it has been translated and edited by the Taiwanese. 

Some time in 2014, the translating office/team ( I'm not sure ) have announced that they won't publish Popteen in Chinese anymore. Which also means no more Popteen in Malaysia unless you're getting the Japanese verion from Konokuniya, KLCC.



In late 2013, or ealry 2014 ( I can't remember ), I started watching movies on megashare. A few months later, they announced on their site that they won't be uploading any new movies and that their movies are unable to watch. However, I found some movies that were still available. Yay? Wait, this is illegal?

imageimageimage JJ

The only radio station that I listen to is When I started listening to them, my favourite DJ was JJ. His laugh alone was entertainment.Well, he left hitz and joined red fm so.... Bye favourite DJ...


So these are the few pieces in my life that died. I didn't kill them myself, but I guess that's just life telling me to move on. Thanks for stopping by! I'll see you at the next post. XOXO!!!

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