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Thursday 31 October 2013

Angel @ October 2013

 finally came back from  He was supposed to come back end of  but the flight was delayed image While he was still at China   helped us got some stuff we wanted from  image Some of the stuff was hand carried back home  the wig that I'm wearing in the picture here was  of them 

 Daddy  He's got a blog too Do check it out 

Best part about my job as a kindergarten teacher image I get to rest during the  image Well, sometimes I have to work elsewhere   but you get the point Right  Since it's my resting day  I've got nothing to do image I thought that I should take this time to  on different looks  Especially when I've just received a new wig  There was a time in life when  I would do my makeup everyday just for the  of it then snap some photos  and remove all of it   Some may call it wasting but it's my passion

Anyways Here are some photos from the day

It's the some photo but I used different filters 


 Puffy 3 Tones Blue Lens
 Brown X Black Eyeshadow
 Super exaggerated Eyeliner
 2 Pairs of Full Falsies ( Top Lashes )
 1 Full Pair of Falsies ( Lower Lashes )
 Pink Cheeks
 Red Lips


From  to  I was working at Bagsar Village for a road show from KizSports with Long story short  We were there to do some art  promoting I did a separate blog post about my days working there  you can check it out  image  HERE image Also feel free to click on any of the yes below to see the full face shots  It's the eye makeup for all  days during the road show 




     We As in the whole family  went to the zoo today  did some other stuff too image You can check out my day image  HERE image 

I'll get straight to the point  My hard disk died  I tried everything I could to connect to to the computer but nothing worked  I don't know what happened, but these are the things that could possibly be lost forever 
 All my makeup albums which make a total of over 200 albums
 My collection of Gyaru inspiration photos
 A pile of blog ideas
 Childhood photos from about  years back
 My ancient photos of me
 My scanned, cleaned and cropped Purikura
 A lot more stuff that I can't remember 

It's a war throughout the entire  as Alice  I was working for a KizSports & Gym Halloween event  Empire Shopping Gallery 

You may check out my blog post image  HERE image  if you please 

image to my uncle  Jimmy  The fella on the left here is my uncle  We celebrated his birthday by having  together  Cappuccino Garden  But way early before  time  We were grocery shopping    here's a photo I took with Alice  More photos during lunch 
SMILE, GRANDPA! SMILE!!! He was surprised to see his reflection on screen LOL!

There wear several group shots but this one's the one when the got annoyed. LOL!

This is how the restaurant looks like from outside.

My lunch, quiche. I', never ever gonna order another quiche in my life again.
With a slice of tomato  I decided to make an InstaVideo 

Avery 's school is having a fair to raise funds  a poster making contest was held Avery's job was to come up with the poster   left me to help her on the job  Today is the first day of helping Avery create a poster for her class image Which means planning   We went to IOI Mall in the evening to get the things that we needed  I took some Purikura 

I'm meeting up with Sara from Kawaii Pix today It was a day filled with Purikura fun  updates  You can check out my day by clicking on the pictures below 

And here are all the Purikura taken on the day 


It's once again the weekends On this beautiful  I had to drive Alice to her tuition centre The plan was to go to 1 Utama after her tuition  I felt like dressing up so I did  It's amazing how much  a simple blonde wig can cause image In the end of the the nagging   came along with us  And that's that morning 

In the afternoon  We went to Avery's school to support her during the fair image She was busy with her stuff at the moment we got there  So we went around the school without her  I was looking for the poster   here it is 

It's time for another   KizSports & GymThis time it's held as Bangsar Village  I went working there with Alice too 

You can check out my blog post image  HERE image  

, Alice, Avery  I went out with Auntie Veni  her kids in the evening image We went to IOI Mall for  together Afterwards when the  Adults  were chatting, we went for some Purikura

There were  of us kids there but only Alice, Lav, Har  I took the Purikura  After a round of posing in the booth  I tried basketball for the first time ever And I liked it image 

Here are some other selfies from the day 



Simple  Click image  HERE image to check out my 

And that's a wrap for my time this 
 for visiting me here image

Ze's Lens Shop